Road traffic monitoring on a wall display

Interaction Homme-Machine(2015)

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Whether in big cities or motorways, road traffic is a complex system which can be very unstable. For instance a little perturbation can lead to a traffic-crippling congestion. To avoid such situations, researchers attempt to model traffic in order to prevent congestions and optimize traffic flow. Traffic is also continually monitored by operators in traffic control rooms. While most of these control rooms use a large display to have a global view of the situation, the operators and researchers use personal computers to perform interventions on the road network, without the possibility to see the potential impact of their actions. In this paper, we propose an interactive system to monitor traffic on a Wall-Displays: this system provides visualization and interaction techniques to first perform actions on the traffic settings, but it also combines the use of traffic modeling, so as to help visualize the potential impact, global or local, of these actions.
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