Interleaved Text/Image Deep Mining On A Large-Scale Radiology Database

2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)(2015)

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Despite tremendous progress in computer vision, effective learning on very large-scale (> 100K patients) medical image databases has been vastly hindered. We present an interleaved text/image deep learning system to extract and mine the semantic interactions of radiology images and reports from a national research hospital's picture archiving and communication system. Instead of using full 3D medical volumes, we focus on a collection of representative similar to 216K 2D key images/slices (selected by clinicians for diagnostic reference) with text-driven scalar and vector labels. Our system interleaves between unsupervised learning (e.g., latent Dirichlet allocation, recurrent neural net language models) on document-and sentence-level texts to generate semantic labels and supervised learning via deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to map from images to label spaces. Disease-related key words can be predicted for radiology images in a retrieval manner. We have demonstrated promising quantitative and qualitative results. The large-scale datasets of extracted key images and their categorization, embedded vector labels and sentence descriptions can be harnessed to alleviate the deep learning "datahungry" obstacle in the medical domain.
interleaved text/image deep mining,large-scale radiology database,computer vision,very large-scale medical image database,interleaved text/image deep learning system,semantic interaction,radiology image,national research hospital,picture archiving and communication system,3D medical volume,unsupervised learning,latent Dirichlet allocation,recurrent neural net language model,document-level text,sentence-level text,semantic label,deep convolutional neural network,CNN,retrieval manner,extracted key image,embedded vector label,sentence description,data-hungry obstacle
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