Automatic Generation Of Data-Oriented Exploits

SEC'15: Proceedings of the 24th USENIX Conference on Security Symposium(2015)

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As defense solutions against control-flow hijacking attacks gain wide deployment, control-oriented exploits from memory errors become difficult. As an alternative, attacks targeting non-control data do not require diverting the application's control flow during an attack. Although it is known that such data-oriented attacks can mount significant damage, no systematic methods to automatically construct them from memory errors have been developed. In this work, we develop a new technique called data flow stitching, which systematically finds ways to join data flows in the program to generate data-oriented exploits. We build a prototype embodying our technique in a tool called FLOWS TITCH that works directly on Windows and Linux binaries. In our experiments, we find that FLOWS TITCH automatically constructs 16 previously unknown and three known data-oriented attacks from eight real-world vulnerable programs. All the automatically-crafted exploits respect fine-grained CFI and DEP constraints, and 10 out of the 19 exploits work with standard ASLR defenses enabled. The constructed exploits can cause significant damage, such as disclosure of sensitive information (e.g., passwords and encryption keys) and escalation of privilege.
automatic generation,data-oriented
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