Unitary Transform-Based Template Protection And Its Properties

2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)(2015)

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We focus on the feature transform approach as one methodology for biometric template protection, where the template consists of the features extracted from the biometric trait. This paper considers some properties of the unitary transform-based template protection in particular. It is known that the Euclidean distance between the templates protected by a unitary transform is the same as that between original (non-protected) ones as a property. In this paper, moreover, it is shown that it provides the same results in l(2)-norm minimization problems as those of original templates. This means that there is no degradation of recognition performance in authentication systems using l(2)-norm minimization Therefore, the protected templates can be reissued multiple times without original templates. In addition, a DFT-based template protection scheme is proposed as an unitary transform-based one. The proposed scheme enables to efficiently generate protected templates by the FFT, in addition to the useful properties. It is also applied to face recognition experiments to evaluate the effectiveness.
Biometrics,Template protection,Unitary transform,l(2)-norm minimization
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