Interactive Crowd Content Generation and Analysis Using Trajectory-Level Behavior Learning

2015 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)(2015)

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We present an interactive approach for analyzing crowd videos and generating content for multimedia applications. Our formulation combines online tracking algorithms from computer vision, non-linear pedestrian motion models from computer graphics, and machine learning techniques to automatically compute the trajectory-level pedestrian behaviors for each agent in the video. These learned behaviors are used to detect anomalous behaviors, perform crowd replication, augment crowd videos with virtual agents, and segment the motion of pedestrians. We demonstrate the performance of these tasks using indoor and outdoor crowd video benchmarks consisting of tens of human agents, moreover, our algorithm takes less than a tenth of a second per frame on a multi-core PC. The overall approach can handle dense and heterogeneous crowd behaviors and is useful for realtime crowd scene analysis applications.
realtime crowd scene analysis applications,multicore PC,pedestrian motion segmentation,virtual agents,crowd video augmentation,crowd replication,anomalous behavior detection,machine learning technique,computer graphics,nonlinear pedestrian motion model,computer vision,online tracking algorithm,multimedia applications,crowd video analysis,trajectory-level pedestrian behavior learning,interactive crowd content analysis,interactive crowd content generation analysis
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