The Effect of An Animated Virtual Character on Mobile Chat Interactions


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This study explores presentation techniques for a 3D animated chat-based virtual human that communicates engagingly with users. Interactions with the virtual human occur via a smartphone outside of the lab in natural settings. Our work compares the responses of users who interact with no image or a static image of a virtual character as opposed to the animated visage of a virtual human capable of displaying appropriate nonverbal behavior. We further investigate users' responses to the animated character's gaze aversion which displayed the character's act of looking away from users and was presented as a listening behavior. The findings of our study demonstrate that people tend to engage in conversation more by talking for a longer amount of time when they interact with a 3D animated virtual human that averts its gaze, compared to an animated virtual human that does not avert its gaze, a static image of a virtual character, or an audio-only interface.
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