Task Assignment Optimization In Collaborative Crowdsourcing

2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining(2015)

引用 44|浏览138
A number of emerging applications, such as, collaborative document editing, sentence translation, and citizen journalism require workers with complementary skills and expertise to form groups and collaborate on complex tasks. While existing research has investigated task assignment for knowledge intensive crowdsourcing, they often ignore the aspect of collaboration among workers, that is central to the success of such tasks. Research in behavioral psychology has indicated that large groups hinder successful collaboration. Taking that into consideration, our work is one of the first to investigate and formalize the notion of collaboration among workers and present theoretical analyses to understand the hardness of optimizing task assignment. We propose efficient approximation algorithms with provable theoretical guarantees and demonstrate the superiority of our algorithms through a comprehensive set of experiments using real-world and synthetic datasets. Finally, we conduct a real world collaborative sentence translation application using Amazon Mechanical Turk that we hope provides a template for evaluating collaborative crowdsourcing tasks in micro-task based crowdsourcing platforms.
crowdsourcing,algorithms,optimization,collaborative crowdsourcing
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