Generating Secure Images for CAPTCHAs through Noise Addition.

SACMAT '15: 20th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies Vienna Austria June, 2015(2015)

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As online automation, image processing and computer vision become increasingly powerful and sophisticated, methods to secure online assets from automated attacks (bots) are required. As traditional text based CAPTCHAs become more vulnerable to attacks, new methods for ensuring a user is human must be devised. To provide a solution to this problem, we aim to reduce some of the security shortcomings in an alternative style of CAPTCHA - more specifically, the image CAPTCHA. Introducing noise helps image CAPTCHAs thwart attacks from Reverse Image Search (RIS) engines and Computer Vision (CV) attacks while still retaining enough usability to allow humans to pass challenges. We present a secure image generation method based on noise addition that can be used for image CAPTCHAs, along with 4 different styles of image CAPTCHAs to demonstrate a fully functional image CAPTCHA challenge system.
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