P28.03: Prenatal diagnosis of fetal craniofacial and cervical anomalies by the combination of ultrasound and fetal magnetic resonance imaging

V. Frisová,Martin Kynčl, Jiří Borský, R. Vlk, L. Haaková, D. Smetanová,Nima Mahdian,Miloslav Roĉek

Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology(2012)

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The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of combined imaging by ultrasound and MRI on prenatal diagnosis of craniofacial and cervical anomalies. Moreover the contribution of both imaging methods was compared. 23 fetuses referred for suspected craniofacial and cervical anomalies were examined both by US and MRI. Both methods were performed on the same day by the same operator specialized in fetal medicine. MRI diagnosis was confirmed by specialized pediatric radiologist. MRI was performed on Philips Gyroscan Intera 1.5T with additional Sense Cardiac Coil on maternal abdomen. It included sB-TFE and SS-T2/TSE, FLAIR, SSh-FFE-Bone, DIF and T1-TFE in three orthogonal planes. 23 pregnancies referred for suspected craniofacial or cervical anomaly were examined. Our imaging revealed 1 normal and 22 abnormal findings (1 encephalocele associated with anophtalmia and bilateral cleft lip-palate, 1 epidermal scalp cyst, 12 facial clefts, and 7 tumors affecting fetal head. Combination of both methods improved our confidence into the correct diagnosis and the accuracy of the prediction of the type of fetal tumors. In facial clefts, 3D ultrasound was the best method for prenatal counseling of parents and was over 2D US in estimation of the extent of facial cleft. Fetal MRI provided the best information about location and borders of craniofacial tumors and epidermal scalp cyst. Ultrasound remains to be the primary prenatal imaging method, however combined imaging improves the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosis thus improves prenatal counseling of parents and further management. Acknowledgement: Supported by MZOFNM2005.
cervical anomalies,prenatal diagnosis,ultrasound
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