Effect of Mini-Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase/Mini-Tryptophanyl-tRNA Synthetase on Angiogenesis in Rhesus Monkeys after Acute Myocardial Infarction.


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AIMS:The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of mini-tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase/mini-tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (mini-TyrRS/mini-TrpRS) in ischemic angiogenesis in rhesus monkeys with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). METHODS:A 27-gauge needle was incorporated percutaneously into the left ventricular myocardium of rhesus monkeys with AMI. All monkeys were randomized to receive adenoviral vector mini-TyrRS/mini-TrpRS, which was administered as five injections into the infarcted myocardium, or saline or ad-null (control groups). The injections were guided by EnSite NavX left ventricular electroanatomical mapping. Mini-TyrRS/mini-TrpRS proteins were detected by Western blot and immunoprecipitation analyses. Microvessel density (MVD) per section was measured using immunostaining with a CD34 monoclonal antibody. Proliferating cardiomyocytes were identified through histological and immunohistochemical analyses. Myocardial perfusion and cardiac function were estimated by G-SPECT. Infarction size was also measured. RESULTS:Western blot analyses showed that compared to the normal zone, the expression level of mini-TyrRS/mini-TrpRS was significantly different in the infarction zone. G-SPECT analysis indicated that the mini-TyrRS group had better cardiac function and myocardial perfusion after the injection of ad-mini-TyrRS than before, while mini-TrpRS injection had a totally opposite effect. After mini-TyrRS was administered, there was less of an infarction zone and more proliferating cardiomyocytes and capillaries in the mini-TyrRS group compared to both of the control groups, and the ad-mini-TrpRS group had a totally opposite effect. CONCLUSION:These results indicated that angiogenesis could be either stimulated by mini-TyrRS or inhibited by mini-TrpRS.
Acute myocardial infarction,Angiogenesis,Mini-TrpRS,Mini-TyrRS,Rhesus monkeys
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