Theanine enhanced both the toxicity of strychnine and anticonvulsion of pentobarbital sodium


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Context: Theanine, an additive, holds several effects on the central nervous system without toxicity and affects CNS drugs. Theanine bilaterally alters beta wave of the EEG with or without caffeine and pentobarbital-induced locomotor activity. Theanine also enhances hypnosis of pentobarbital sodium (PB) and antidepression of midazolam, suggesting there are complicated interactions between theanine and CNS drugs. On the other side, theanine induces glycine release. Glycine potentiates the strychnine toxicity via NMDA receptor activation. Moreover, PB facilitates GABA(A) receptor activation by GABA, and it is commonly prescribed for strychnine poison. However, what the role that theanine plays in the anticonvulsion of PB against strychnine poison is still unknown. Materials and methods: Theanine, pentobarbital sodium or strychnine was injected intraperitoneally. EEG was monitored by BIOPAC 16 EEG amplifiers. LD50 of strychnine and hypnotic ED(50 )of pentobarbital sodium with or without theanine for mice were tested according to Bliss' case. Results: (1) Theanine enhanced the strychnine toxicity. Both theanine and strychnine 1.0 mg/kg increased the power of the beta wave. Theanine aggravated that of strychnine 1.0 mg/kg. Theanine attenuated the LD50 of strychnine. (2) Theanine enhanced the anticonvulsion of PB. Theanine increased the power of alpha, beta wave and decreased hypnotic ED50 of PB; PB attenuated strychnine-induced EEG excitation and mortality with or without theanine, and theanine enhanced the effects of PB. Further, theanine enhanced the anticonvulsion of PB dose-dependently against the strychnine toxicity but not the lethal toxicity of strychnine. Discussion and conclusions: These results indicated theanine interacted with PB and strychnine. Theanine enhanced both the strychnine toxicity and anticonvulsion of PB against strychnine poison.
electroencephalogram,median effective dose,Anticonvulsion,median lethal dose,toxicity,theanine,strychnine,pentobarbital sodium
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