Proteomics driven biomarker discovery in gestational diabetes mellitus: A review.

Journal of Proteomics(2015)

引用 16|浏览6
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy and it affects 18% of pregnant women worldwide. GDM is considered a high-risk state which may lead to type II diabetes which is associated with an increase in a number of interrelated adverse perinatal outcomes. Given the fact that the progress of a successful pregnancy is dependent on the intricate communication between several biological molecules, identification of the proteomic profile perturbations in women with GDM is expected to help in understanding the disease pathogenesis and also discovery of clinical biomarker(s). In recent years, both gel-free and gel-based proteomics have been extensively investigated for improving maternal and child health. Although there are several reports integrating various aspects of proteomics in pregnancy related diseases such as preeclampsia, extensive Pubmed search shows no review so far on the application of proteomics in gestational diabetes. In this review, we focus on various high-throughput proteomic technologies for the identification of unique biosignatures and biomarkers responsible for the early prediction of GDM. Further, different analytical strategies and biological samples involved in proteomic analysis of this pregnancy-related disease are discussed.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Proteomics in India.
Proteomics,Gestational diabetes mellitus,Biomarkers,Biofluids
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