Electron reconstruction and identification efficiency measurements with the ATLAS detector using the 2011 LHC proton-proton collision data

G Aad,R Aben,L J Beemster, S Bentvelsen, D Berge, E Berglund,G J Bobbink, K Bos, H Boterenbrood,P Butti,A Castelli,A P Colijn,Jong P De,Nooij L De,I Deigaard, C Deluca, P O Deviveiros, S Dhaliwal,Pamela Ferrari, S Gadatsch, D A A Geerts,F Hartjes,N P Hessey,N Hod,O Igonkina,P Kluit, E Koffeman,Hurngchun Lee,Tatjana Lenz,F L Linde,J Mahlstedt,J Mechnich, K P Oussoren,P Pani, D Salek, N Valencic,Deijl P C Van Der,Geer R Van Der,Leeuw R Van Der,Vulpen I Van, W Verkerke,Jos Vermeulen,M Vranjes Milosavljevic, M Vreeswijk, H Weits

European Physical Journal C(2014)

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