Sticker-Type Remote Monitoring System for Early Risk Detection of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections.

Sarath Gopalakrishnan, Muhammad Masud Rana, Michael Anthony Curry,Akshay Krishnakumar,Rahim Rahimi

IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering(2024)

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A substantial number of critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs) rely on indwelling urinary catheters (IDCs), demanding regular monitoring of urine bags. This process increases the workload for healthcare providers and elevates the risk of exposure to contagious diseases. Moreover, IDCs are a primary cause of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) in ICU patients whose delayed detection can have life-threatening complications. To address this, we have developed a Sticker Type Antenna for Remote Sensing (STARS) system capable of measuring urine flow rate and conductivity as early-risk markers for UTIs, alongside tracking patients' urine bag status to facilitate medical automation for healthcare providers. STARS comprises a simple, low-cost, disposable antenna module for contactless measurements of urine volume and conductivity, and a reusable wireless module for real-time data transmission. Systematic studies on STARS revealed its stable performance within physiologically relevant ranges of urine volume (0 to 2000 ml) and conductivity (5 to 40 mS/cm) in urine bags. As a proof-of-concept, STARS was tested in artificially created healthy and infected urine specimens to validate its non-contact sensing performance in detecting the onset of UTIs in catheterized patients within a hospital-like environment. STARS represents the first application of a real-time, contactless, wireless monitoring platform for simultaneous urine bag management and early risk detection of UTIs.
Smart stickers,Urinary Tract Infection,urine conductivity,urine level,wireless sensor
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