Biventricular Pacemaker Therapy Corrects Dyssynchrony In Non-Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy


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Background. Previous studies have reported dyssynchrony using Tissue Doppler in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). In this study we assessed dyssynchrony using speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) in patients with non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy vs a healthy control group and in a subgroup of highly symptomatic patients evaluated the acute effects of biventricular pacing on STE and Tissue Doppler (TDI) derived measures of dyssynchrony. Methods. We studied 48 healthy controls (age 48 ±18yrs, 22 males, LVEF 63 ±5%, QRS 86 ±7ms) and 57 patients with HCM (age 54 ±11yrs, 38 males, LVEF 61 ±7%, QRS 110 ±36ms). A subgroup of 15 symptomatic patients with HCM (Peak VO2<60% predicted) underwent biventricular pacing (age 53 ±12yrs, 12 males, LVEF 61 ±7%, QRS 110 ±32ms). Echocardiography was performed with the pacemaker off (VVi30) and on (DDDR, AV delay 90ms, LV-RV delay 0 – 4ms). Using STE, the standard deviation (SD) in time to peak longitudinal strain (Tϵ-SD), the time to peak longitudinal systolic velocity (Ts) for each of 18 left ventricular segments and the SD of this timing (Ts-SD) was derived. Using TDI dyssynchrony was assessed from the SD of Ts for the basal six segments and the maximum difference in Ts between any two basal segments (Ts-peak[basal]). Results. Using STE, Tϵ-SD (54.99 ±33.61ms vs 24.55 ±21.18ms p<0.001), Ts-SD (71.06 ±32.32ms vs 46.17 ±21.50ms p<0.001) and Ts (155.74 ±23.14ms vs 123.71 ±11.25ms p<0.001) were greater in HCM than in controls. Using STE we demonstrated that biventricular pacing significantly reduced Tϵ-SD and Ts-SD to values similar to those observed in controls (Ts-SD p=0.13). Using TDI we demonstrated that biventricular pacing significantly reduced Ts, Ts-SD, and Ts-peak[basal]. See Table . (All values expressed as mean ±SD) Conclusion. Cardiac resynchronisation therapy significantly reduced dyssynchrony in symptomatic patients with non-obstructive HCM as demonstrated using STE and TDI. Table
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