Sr-Bi Suppresses Apoptosis By Reducing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress And Promoting Akt Activity In Macrophages

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology(2014)

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Objective: Macrophage apoptosis contributes to atherosclerotic plaque necrosis, inflammation, development and rupture. Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) is a key regulator of HDL metabolism and cellular cholesterol homeostasis. Here we examined the hypothesis that macrophage SR-BI modulates lipid-associated cellular stress and apoptosis. Methods and Results: In vitro cell apoptosis assays were performed in primary macrophages, and for in vivo evidence, we examined TUNEL staining of atherosclerotic lesions of LDLR -/- mice that were reconstituted with SR-BI -/- or WT bone marrow after 16 weeks on a Western diet. We found that SR-BI deficiency led to ~64.3% more apoptotic cells induced by oxidized LDL or free cholesterol in primary macrophages, and 6-fold more lesional apoptotic cells in SR-BI -/- →LDLR -/- mice compared to WT recipient mice. In macrophages, SR-BI deficiency caused significant accumulations of cellular free cholesterol and elevated markers of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. These were exacerbated by feeding mice a high-cholesterol diet or inactivating the apolipoprotein E gene. Peroxidation of lipoproteins and cell membranes leads to modification of phosphatidylethanolamine by lipid aldehydes including isolevuglandins (IsoLG-PE). Treatment of macrophages with IsoLG-PE induced 52.6% more apoptotic cells in SR-BI -/- macrophages compared to WT. Transgenic expression of SR-BI by transfection of SR-BI -/- macrophages rescued oxidative stress-induced ER stress and cell apoptosis. SR-BI deficiency inhibited the Akt pathway compromising macrophage survival and increasing lesion necrosis. Moreover, Akt Activator was able to rescue SR-BI deficiency associated apoptosis in macrophages. Apolipoprotein E interacts with SR-BI in macrophages, co-operating for cellular lipid homeostasis and cell survival signaling. Conclusion: SR-BI protects against cell apoptosis induced by lipid stress in macrophages and atherosclerotic lesions. The underlying mechanisms are, at least in part, through reducing lipid-associated ER stress and promoting Akt activity in macrophages. Thus, we identify macrophage SR-BI-mediated apoptosis pathways as molecular targets for the prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events.
endoplasmic reticulum stress,endoplasmic reticulum,apoptosis,macrophages
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