Growth performance, oxidative stress indices and hepatic carbohydrate metabolic enzymes activities of juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., in response to dietary starch to protein ratios


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The effect of various dietary starch to proteins ratios (STA/P) on growth performance, oxidative status and liver enzyme activities involved in intermediary metabolism in juvenile Nile tilapia was evaluated. Four isocaloric-practical diets (12.73MJkg(-1) digestible energy) with increasing STA/CP ratios were formulated. These were designated D-0 (344g crude protein (CP) and 163.5g starch (STA) kg(-1)), D-1 (310g CP and 243g STAkg(-1)), D-2 (258g CP and 322g STA kg(-1)) and D-3 (214g CP and 401g STA kg(-1)). Each diet was fed to triplicate groups of 60 fish (2.7g) for 45days. Compared with the control diet (D-0), significantly (P<0.05) depressed growth and feed efficiency were observed only in the groups fed on diet D-3. The activities of hepatic enzymes involved in glycolysis and lipogenesis pathways were significantly enhanced in groups fed on diet D-3 compared with other diets. A significant (P<0.05) increase in catalase activity was detected only in groups fed on diet D-3. Similarly, a significant (P<0.05) enhancement in superoxyde dismutase, glutathione S-transferases and glutathione peroxidise was observed in groups fed on diets D-2 and D-3 compared with other diets. Results demonstrate the ability of juvenile Nile tilapia to spare protein by dietary carbohydrate.
carbohydrate utilization,protein sparing,metabolic enzyme,Reactive oxygen species,oxidative status,Oreochromis niloticus
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