PRACTICE NOTE: Using Debriefi Ng Interviews to Promote Authenticity and Transparency in Mixed Research

International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches(2013)

引用 15|浏览2
Our goal in this editorial is to promote transparency in mixed research by detailing how to conduct debriefing interviews throughout the research process to document the degree that quality criteria are designed and implemented. First, we examine the role of transparency in establishing credibility of findings and conclusions. We provide a rationale for using debriefing interviews to elevate transparency in mixed research. Second, we discuss the process of peer debriefing in the context of qualitative studies because it is this context that formed the catalyst for developing a debriefing interview protocol. Third, we apply in the context of mixing approaches, five authenticity criteria (Guba and Lincoln, 1989) developed in accordance with a constructivist tradition. We present a debriefing interview technique accompanied by example interview questions to document the degree that researchers have met, in practice, these five quality criteria and other quality criteria such as philosophical clarity and incorporation of multiple standpoints. We conclude by discussing the process and benefits of debriefing interviews in mixed research studies.
commissioning,publishing,academic research
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