Similarity of Atomic Configurations of Thermally Stable Positron-Sensitive Complexes Produced with 0.9-MeV Electrons and 15-MeV Protons in n–FZSi:P Crystals

Solid State Phenomena(2015)

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We observed for the first time the thermally stable point positron-sensitive center of a vacancy type in n–FZ–Si (P) material irradiated at RT by ~ 0.9-MeV electrons. The center that emerges after isochronal annealing at Tanneal.≈ 260 – 280 oC is found to be similar to the vacancy-group-V-atom complex revealed in the same Si material irradiated by 15-MeV protons; the detecting of the centers by the positron trapping is finalized at Tanneal.≥ 520 oC. The annihilation gamma-quanta to be emitted from the positron trap gives rise to a characteristic positron lifetime τ2 (I2 ~ 38–19 %) ≤ 276 – 294 ps which is somewhat longer than the one predicted for unrelaxed single vacancy τV.≈ 254 – 261 ps. Our data suggested a configuration of the complex VopPVop, wherein the atom of phosphorus is tied to a split open vacancy volume 2Vop. It is argued that Vop volume detected by the positron trapping may be formed by extended semi-vacancy, Vs-ext , or by the relaxed inwards vacancy, Vinw , thus resulting in a distorted Vs-extPVs-ext or VinwPVinw configurations.
silicon,positron,vacancy,annihilation radiation
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