Point Estimation for the Interface Using Acoustic Signal

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering(2014)

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In this paper, we introduce a new tangible interface that allows someone to hit any parts of a medium such as a wooden block in order to generate original multimedia content. We investigate a new technique to estimate precisely the location in which the interaction occurs using two microphones, Arduino and an amplifier. With this setup, and functions that we describe, we can obtain the time spent from the sound of the hit between the user and the medium, to reach each microphone. These travelling times and the knowledge of the material used as medium are then used to precisely locate the origin of the hit. In the last part of this paper, we show an example of use of our system. We use everyday objects and augment them to provide new unexpected experiences when they are touch by someone. We firmly believe the input technique can be used more generally in many different contexts.
Sound Localization,Sound Interface,Acoustic Signal
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