Sarcoptic Mange Infestation in West Africa Dwarf Goat Herd in Ibadan, South West Nigeria

World Journal of Agricultural Research(2015)

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An adult, Female West Africa Dwarf goat, the only surviving from a local goat herd comprising 31 goats, all reported to be dead was presented to the Small ruminant ward of Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, South West Nigeria. Clinical examination revealed generalized wrinkling and thickening of the skin with heavy crust formation on the abdomen, forehead, ear, the limbs, inter-digital spaces, mammary gland and inner thigh. Skin biopsy, skin scrapings, whole blood and serum samples were collected respectively for histopathology, ectoparasite identification, hematology and biochemistry. Histomorphometric studies were also conducted for tunnel measurement. Parasite sections, tunnels, orthokeratosis, exocytosis, folliculitis, scarring, hyperkeratosis, sero-cellular exudate, pustule and acanthosis were observed with histological studies while several Sarcoptes scabie var caprae which have oval to round, dorsally convex tortoise-like body that is covered with spines and triangular scales with only the first two pairs of legs protruding beyond the body margin in both sexes were identified. There was severe anemia with very low PCV and erythrocyte count, leucocytosis, eosinophilia, hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia and hypoglobulinaemia. Reduction in epidermal tunnel diameter ranges from 200 µm to 170 µm while tunnel height ranges from 220 µm to 180 µm. The goat died 15 days after presentation due to the fact that the goat was in the severe, advanced chronic stage of the disease which often terminate in mortality. It is very paramount to note that early diagnosis and treatment of Sarcoptic mange in goat should be made by a Veterinarian as a therapeutic efficacy of a combination of amitraz and ivermectin will provide an excellent result of complete recovery from generalized infestation of mange mite.
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