Comparison of Non-Barbital and Barbital Buffer in the Determination of Alpha- -Macroglobulin by Agarose Gel Rocket mmunoelectrophoresis for the Replacement of Barbital Buffer

Journal of the Medical Technologist Association of Thailand(2012)

引用 23|浏览11
The measurement of serum alpha-2-macroglobulin protein by the rocket immune-electrophoresis (R EP) assay employed an electro-immuno diffusion method. B a rb i ta l co m po u n d bu f fe r ( 5 , 5 - d ie t h yl b ar b i t ur i c a c i d , ba r bi t on e a n d sod i u m ba r b i ta l ) or veronal buffer was used as a standard diluent buffer for RIEP. These substances are designed as controlled substances with their drug abuse properties and toxicity in laboratory which brought to difficult import. T o compare the alternative buffer and barbital buffer used for RI EP, the researcher then conducted the determination of serum protein alpha macroglobulin levels in 4 types of buffer, namely barbital buffer, Tris-barbital buffer, Tris-tricine, and Tris-azide buffer. I n the running of rocket immunoelectrophoresis with 1 .5% agarose and various voltage, Tris-tricine reveals the comparable ability to the standard barbital buffer.
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