Precision masses for studies of the astrophysical r process

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry(2013)

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Half of the elements heavier than iron (Z>26) are thought to be created through the astrophysical r process, whereby nuclides are produced via a rapid series of nuclear reactions that are postulated to occur in high temperature and neutron density environments such as supernovae or merging neutron stars. The nucleosynthetic path that describes the sequence of reactions through the chart of nuclides strongly depends on the neutron-separation energies of the nuclei. Until recently, however, almost all of these neutron-rich nuclei were not within reach of accelerator facilities, and therefore simulations of the r process had to rely on mass models for input into the calculations. Now, with the advent of facilities such as CARIBU at Argonne National Laboratory, the masses of many nuclides along the r-process path can be determined precisely with Penning trap mass spectrometers coupled to these facilities. More than 70 nuclides have been measured with the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer alone in the past year, which overlap and complement results from other Penning trap mass spectrometers, and first calculations with these new masses suggest the timescale of the r process through the tin isotopes is delayed much more strongly than mass models would suggest.
Ion trap,Penning trap,Exotic isotope,Radioactive isotope,Nuclear masses,r-Process
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