Time Evolution of Electric Fields in CDMS Detectors

S. W. Leman, D. Brandt,P. L. Brink,B. Cabrera, H. Chagani,M. Cherry, P. Cushman,E. Do Couto E Silva,T. Doughty, E. Figueroa-Feliciano,V. Mandic, K. A. McCarthy, N. Mirabolfathi,M. Pyle,A. Reisetter,R. Resch, B. Sadoulet,B. Serfass, K. M. Sundqvist,A. Tomada, B. A. Young,J. Zhang

Journal of Low Temperature Physics(2012)

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The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) utilizes large mass, 3″ diameter×1″ thick target masses as particle detectors. The target is instrumented with both phonon and ionization sensors, the later providing a ∼1 V cm −1 electric field in the detector bulk. Cumulative radiation exposure which creates ∼200×10 6 electron-hole pairs could be sufficient to produce a comparable reverse field in the detector thereby degrading the ionization channel performance, if it was not shielded by image charges on the electrodes. To study this, the existing CDMS detector Monte Carlo has been modified to allow for an event by event evolution of the bulk electric field, in three spatial dimensions. Surprisingly, this simple model is not sufficient to explain the degradation of detector performance. Our most recent results and interpretation are discussed.
cryogenic dark matter search,electric field,cumulant,high energy physics,particle detector,elementary particles,materials science,monte carlo
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