New effects in low energy scattering of p µ atoms

J. Woźniak,A. Adamczak,G.A. Beer, V.M. Bystritsky, M. Filipowicz,M.C. Fujiwara, T.M. Huber,R. Jacot-Guillarmod,P. Kammel,S.K. Kim,P.E. Knowles, A.R. Kunselman, M. Maier,V.E. Markushin,G.M. Marshall,F. Mulhauser,A. Olin,C. Petitjean, T.A. Porcelli, V.A. Stolupin,J. Zmeskal

Hyperfine Interactions(1999)

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Strong solid state effects in low energy scattering of p µ atoms in solid hydrogen are reported and analyzed. Such effects have been observed in TRIUMF experiment E742 where muons are stopped in thin frozen (3 K) layers of hydrogen. Emission of low energy p µ atoms from the hydrogen layer into adjacent vacuum was much higher than expected, based on calculations which ignored the solid nature of hydrogen. Monte Carlo simulations, performed using the scattering cross-sections with solid state effects taken into account, show the important role of the coherent elastic Bragg scattering in the diffusion of p µ atoms. For p µ energies lower than the Bragg cut-off limit (∼2 meV) the total scattering cross-section falls by several orders of magnitude, the hydrogen target becomes transparent and the emission of cold p µ atoms takes place.
scattering, muons, muonic hydrogen, solid hydrogen
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