Mitochondrial Dysfunction may explain symptom variation in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome


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Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (PMS), which is defined by a deletion within 22q13, demonstrates significant phenotypic variation. Given that six mitochondrial genes are located within 22q13, including complex I and IV genes, we hypothesize that mitochondrial complex activity abnormalities may explain phenotypic variation in PMS symptoms. Complex I, II, II + III and IV activity was measured in 51 PMS participants. Caretakers completed questionnaires and provided genetic information through the PMS foundation registry. Complex activity was abnormal in 59% of PMS participants. Abnormalities were found in complex I and IV but not complex II + III and II activity, consistent with disruption of genes within the 22q13 region. However, complex activity abnormalities were not related to specific gene deletions suggesting a “neighboring effect” of regional deletions on adjacent gene expression. A specific combination of symptoms (autism spectrum disorder, developmental regression, failure-to-thrive, exercise intolerance/fatigue) was associated with complex activity abnormalities. 64% of 106 individuals in the PMS foundation registry who did not have complex activity measured also endorsed this pattern of symptoms. These data suggest that mitochondrial abnormalities, specifically abnormalities in complex I and IV activity, may explain some phenotypic variation in PMS individuals. These results point to novel pathophysiology mechanisms and treatment targets for PMS patients.
Energy metabolism,Signs and symptoms,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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