Kinetic Aspects of Surfactant-Induced Structural Changes of Proteins-Unsolved Problems of Two-State Model for Protein Denaturation.


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The kinetic mechanism of surfactant-induced protein denaturation is discussed on the basis of not only stopped-flow kinetic data but also the changes of protein helicities caused by the surfactants and the discontinuous mobility changes of surfactant-protein complexes. For example, the a-helical structures of bovine serum albumin (BSA) are partially disrupted due to the addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Formation of SDS-BSA complex can lead to only four complex types with specific mobilities depending on the surfactant concentration. On the other hand, the apparent rate constant of the structural change of BSA increases with an increase of SDS concentration, indicating that the rate of the structural change becomes fast as the degree of the change increases. When a certain amount of surfactant ions bind to proteins, their native structures transform directly to particular structures without passing through intermediate stages that might be induced due to the binding of fewer amounts of the surfactant ions. Furthermore, this review brings up a question about two-state and three-state models, N(sic)D and N(sic)D'(sic)D (N: native state, D: denatured sate, D': intermediate between N and D), which have been often adopted without hesitation in discussion on general denaturations of proteins. First of all, doubtful is whether any equilibrium relationship exists in such denaturation reactions. It cannot be disregarded that the D states in these models differ depending on the changes of intensities of the denaturing factors. The authors emphasize that the denaturations or the structural changes of proteins should be discussed assuming one-way reaction models with no backward processes rather than assuming the reversible two-state reaction models or similar modified reaction models.
surfactant,sodium dodecyl sulfate,protein,denaturation,kinetics
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