An algorithm for detection of radio pulses received by spatially distributed sensors

Control and Communications(2015)

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A recursive algorithm for detection of radio pulses in real time based on the joint processing of unfiltered signals from spatially distributed receivers, e.g. elements of an antenna array, is proposed. The algorithm is based on a stochastic gradient ascent algorithm estimating the parameters of mutual mismatches between signals received by spatially distributed sensors. Stabilization of the estimates of signals' time alignment is chosen as one of the detection criteria. Another criterion is based on the analysis of the correlation coefficient between the aligned signals. Signal alignment is performed recurrently in real time. It is shown that if correlation coefficient is chosen as the objective function showing the alignment quality we need to estimate only time shift between the received signals. Experiments show the efficiency and the high probability of correct detection of radio pulses location of the proposed algorithms. To increase detection reliability the algorithms can easily be combined.
antenna arrays,gradient methods,radio networks,radio receivers,signal processing,stochastic processes,antenna array,correct detection,correlation coefficient,joint processing,objective function,radio pulse detection,radio pulses location,received signals,recursive algorithm,signal time alignment,spatially distributed sensors,stochastic gradient ascent algorithm,unfiltered signals,detection,distributed receivers,filtering,radar,radio pulses,time shift
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