Does insulin impact cold-induced fluid- and protein-extravasation?


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Insulin has been shown to stabilize the endothelial barrier via inactivation of the endothelial contractile machinery and enhancement of cell-cell adhesions. Here we explored if insulin by its endothelial-stabilizing and anti-inflammatory properties could influence the increase of fluid- and protein-extravasation during hypothermia.Two groups of animals (n=10, each) were cooled to 28°C, with insulin-infusion (I-group) or without (C-group), in a randomly controlled study. Fluid balance, hemodynamics, plasma volume (PV), colloid osmotic pressures in plasma (COPp) and interstitial fluid (COPi), hematocrit (Hct), cytokine profiles, serum-albumin- and protein-concentrations were measured and fluid extravasation rate (FER) and albumin-and protein-masses calculated.During 240 min of hypothermia the albumin- and protein-masses together with COPp decreased significantly in both groups. COPi remained essentially unchanged. Plasma volume decreased significantly in the C-group, whereas only a decreasing trend was present in the I-group. Hemoconcentration was significant in both study groups reflected by the Hct-values. A slight increasing trend of FER was seen in both groups from 0.10 (0.04) ml/kg/min and 0.09 (0.05) mg/kg/min, C-group and I-group, respectively, to 0.14 (0.05) mg/kg/min and 0.12 (0.03) mg/kg/min, during the hypothermic period. Between-group differences were absent for all listed parameters including FER.Insulin administration does not impact fluid and protein extravasation significantly in animals undergoing cooling and prolonged hypothermia.
Hypothermia,Inflammation,Endothelial barrier function,Fluid shifts,Insulin
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