Role of two types of angiotensin II receptors in colorectal carcinoma progression.


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Angiotensin II (Ang-II) is a bioactive peptide associated closely with the progression and metastasis of colorectal cancer (CRC). We examined the expression and role of 2 Ang-II receptor types in 20 cases of CRC. Ang-II type 1 receptor (AT1R) protein was localized to the plasma membrane, whereas Ang-II type 2 receptor (AT2R) protein was localized to the nuclei. AT1R expression showed a direct correlation with tumor stage and liver metastasis, whereas AT2R expression showed an inverse correlation. A knockdown study of the AT1R or AT2R with Ang-II treatment was performed to reveal their individual roles in a mouse rectal cell line CMT93, which expresses both Ang-II receptor types. AT2R knockdown showed that the AT1R was associated with tumor growth, survival, invasion and VEGF-A secretion in CMT93 cells in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, AT1R knockdown showed that the AT2R was associated with increased VEGF-A secretion at low Ang-II concentrations, whereas high concentrations of Ang-II inhibited tumor growth, survival, invasion and VEGF-A secretion. Thus, the AT1R showed a monophasic protumoral effect, while the AT2R showed a biphasic amphitumoral effect. Our findings suggest that a high angiotensinogen condition in the liver might evoke the antitumoral role of the AT2R in CRC cells. (C) 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
Angiotensin,Angiotensin receptor,Colorectal cancer,Liver metastasis
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