Ageism and its clinical consequences in oncogeriatry: a review of existing data and intervention leads]

Revue médicale de Liège(2014)

引用 23|浏览1
Aging is a risk factor in oncology. Indeed, it is estimated that, in 2030, 70% of diagnosed cancers in the United States will concern subjects older than 65 years. Paradoxically, elderly are often excluded from clinical trials and are undertreated compared to younger patients. An important explanatory factor (and yet still not considered!) for these observations is the age stigma (in other words our stereotypes linked to age, and so ageism), age being actually the main motive for discrimination. In this perspective, our aim is to present ageism manifestations in oncogeriatry and their direct consequences for patients, interlocutors (that is to say health professionals) and interactions between them. Throughout this article, we will enhance our remarks by data from researches in "normal" aging. Before ending, we will give some intervention leads potentially applicable in oncogeriatry, to reduce ageism deleterious effect.
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