Prediction of the repeat domain structures and impact of parkinsonism-associated variations on structure and function of all functional domains of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2).


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Genetic variations of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the major cause of dominantly inherited Parkinson disease (PD). LRRK2 protein contains seven predicted domains: a tandem Ras-like GTPase (ROC) domain and C-terminal of Roc (COR) domain, a protein kinase domain, and four repeat domains. PD-causative variations arise in all domains, suggesting that aberrant functioning of any domain can contribute to neurotoxic mechanisms of LRRK2. Determination of the three-dimensional structure of LRRK2 is one of the best avenues to decipher its neurotoxic mechanism. However, with the exception of the Roc domain, the three-dimensional structures of the functional domains of LRRK2 have yet to be determined. Based on the known three-dimensional structures of repeat domains of other proteins, the tandem Roc-COR domains of the Chlorobium tepidumRab family protein, and the kinase domain of the Dictyostelium discoideumRoco4 protein, we predicted (1) the motifs essential for protein-protein interactions in all domains, (2) the motifs critical for catalysis and substrate recognition in the tandem Roc-COR and kinase domains, and (3) the effects of some PD-associated missense variations on the neurotoxic action of LRRK2. Results of our analysis provide a conceptual framework for future investigation into the regulation and the neurotoxic mechanism of LRRK2.
LRRK2,protein kinase,protein interactions,phosphorylation,neurotoxicity,Parkinson disease
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