Effect of cyclic AMP and estrogen/progesterone on the transcription of DNA methyltransferases during the decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells.


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Progesterone, estrogen and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) together regulate the decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells in a time-dependent manner. The role of DNA methylation and the three active DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) in the regulation of decidualization is gaining interest but the exact role of this epigenetic mechanism during decidualization is largely unknown. We aimed to understand the effect of the main regulators of decidualization on the expression of the DNMTs and in turn on the expression of steroid hormone receptors during the decidualization. We conducted a time-course analysis from 6 h to 10 days to examine the change in gene expression of the DNMTs and the steroid hormone receptors over time in response to estradiol, medroxy-progesterone acetate (MPA) and dibutyryl-cAMP (db-cAMP) in a human endometrial stromal cells (HESC) cell line. Only the combination treatment with MPA-mix (estradiol MPA db-cAMP) up-regulated ER, PGR, progesterone receptor B (PRB) and androgen receptor at 24 h. Both decidualization pathways of db-cAMP and estradiol/MPA, independently and combined, consistently down-regulated DNMT3B mRNA expression from 6 h till 10 days, whereas DNMT1 and DNMT3A mRNA expression were down-regulated transiently. Forced expression of DNMT3B in HESC for 10 days attenuated IGFBP1 mRNA and protein expression; and forced expression of DNMT3B combined with MPA-mix treatment synergistically increased the expression of PRB at 24 h. The HESC morphology and proliferation remained unchanged in response to forced expression of DNMT3B. In conclusion, mRNA expression of the DNMTs during decidualization is dynamic, so that expression varies according to the cAMP or estradiol/MPA pathway treatments that regulate them in a time-dependent manner. Although forced expression of DNMT3B by itself is insufficient to inhibit decidualization, forced expression of DNMT3B in combination with MPA-mix synergistically up-regulated PRB, as well as attenuated the expression of IGFBP1, the decidualization marker.
cyclic AMP,decidualization,DNA methylation,DNA methyltransferases,steroid hormone receptors
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