Gastroesophageal Reflux In Infants: Myths And Realities


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Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is a common problem in infants but the distinction between GER and GER disease remains difficult. Clinical manifestations such as vomiting, poor weight gain, respiratory disorders, and apneas do always not correlate with the demonstration of reflux episodes. Premature infants frequently suffer from reflux but correlations with apneas are also poor. Esophagitis is a complication suggested in infants experiencing pain but reflux by itself can induce pain as well. The "gold" diagnosis test is pH recording; however, overlap between normal and abnormal indices is obvious. Impedance measurement demonstrates more refluz episodes but non-acid reflux harm is not established. CER disease is probably self-limited in most infants, although it is impossible to predict whether some of them continue to have GER in adult life. The treatment raises doubts concerning indications and efficacy. Overprescription is frequent in infants with regurgitations. Nonpharmacological treatment - small-volume thickened milk and correct positioning - should be the first-line treatment. Prokinetic drugs have not proved their efficacy. Among anti-acid drugs, proton pump inhibitors are the best choice, but their indications are not very clearly established for infants. On the other hand, considerable variations of their metabolism due to the patients' age and genetic factors can explain variations in therapeutic effects. (c) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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