[Frequency of hyperhomocysteinemia in hemodialysis patients with folic acid supplementation].

István Kárpáti,József Balla, Gabriella Szóke,Zsuzsanna Bereczky,Dénes Páll,Thomas Ben, Kornél Toma, Evelin Katona, Attila Mohácsi,György Paragh,Zsuzsa Varga, György Kakuk,László Muszbek

Orvosi hetilap(2002)

引用 27|浏览3
BACKGROUND:It is known that hyperhomocystinemia is an independent risk factor for development of atherosclerosis. In end stage renal disease the frequency of hyperhomocystinemia is much greater than in normal populations. AIM:In this study homocystein (Hcy), folic acid and vitamin B12 concentrations were determined in 125 chronic renal failure patients being on folic acid supplementation (3 mg/day). In 107 patients the frequency of C667T polymorphism of methylene tetrahyrofolate reductase (MTHFR) was also determined. The relationships between these parameters were also studied. RESULTS:It was found that in these patients who are under continuous folic acid supplementation the mean level of homocysteine was 16.8 +/- 7.2 mumol/L, a value considerably lower than the homocysteine concentration reported for non-supplemented patients. The elevation of homocysteine concentrations was independent of gender, time spent in renal replacement therapy, and the type of renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis: 17.6 +/- 12.6; hemodiafiltration: 16.6 +/- 12.9 mumol/L). Data showed an inverse relation between plasma homocysteine concentrations and the concentrations of folic acid and vitamin B12. Moderately severe hyperhomocystinemia (Hcy > 20 mumol/L) was found in about 30% of patients. In those the frequency of patients for homozygous T677 allele of MTHFR was about 25-30%. However, in all ESRD patients the frequency of the homozygotes was the same then in the normal population. Homocysteine plasma levels correlated with MTHFR polymorphism: in the wild type group Hcy was 14 +/- 7 mumol/L, in the heterozygous group was 17.2 +/- 6.2 mumol/L, and in the homozygous group was 21 +/- 19 mumol/L. CONCLUSIONS:Long-term folic acid supplementation decreased the homocysteine level in end stage renal disease patients. However, in folic acid resistant group, who were in 30% homozygotes for C667T of MTHFR (suggesting that homocysteine-methionine remethylation cycle is disturbed), instead of the administration of folic acid, methylene tetrahydrofolate supplementation might be considered.
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