Traumatic Wound Microbiome Workshop

B. C. Kirkup Jr., D. W. Craft, T. Palys, C. Black,R. Heitkamp, C. Li, Y. Lu,N. Matlock, C. McQueary, A. Michels, G. Peck, Y. Si, A. M. Summers,M. Thompson,D. V. Zurawski


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On May 9–10, 2011, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, as the Army Center of Excellence for Infectious Disease, assembled over a dozen leaders in areas related to research into the communities of microorganisms which colonize and infect traumatic wounds. The objectives of the workshop were to obtain guidance for government researchers, to spur research community involvement in the field of traumatic wound research informed by a microbiome perspective, and to spark collaborative efforts serving the Wounded Warriors and similarly wounded civilians. During the discussions, it was made clear that the complexity of these infections will only be met by developing a new art of clinical practice that engages the numerous microbes and their ecology. It requires the support of dedicated laboratories and technologists who advance research methods such as community sequencing, as well as the kinds of data analysis expertise and facilities. These strategies already appear to be bearing fruit in the clinical management of chronic wounds. There are now funding announcements and programs supporting this area of research open to extramural collaborators.
Bacterial Vaginosis,Chronic Wound,Human Microbiome Project,Quantitative Insight Into Microbial Ecology,Walter Reed Army Institute
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