Evolving intravitreous injection technique]

M Weber,S Y Cohen, R Tadayoni, G Coscas,C Creuzot-Garcher,F Devin,A Gaudric, M Mauget-Faysse,J A Sahel,G Soubrane, E Souied,J F Korobelnik

Journal français d'ophtalmologie(2008)

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The technique of intravitreous injections has been well documented for several years. Recently, a descriptive article on the intravitreous injections procedure was published in the Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, and the AFSSAPS (French agency for drug safety) released recommendations concerning this matter on the occasion of commercial launch of pegaptanib. Since that time, the number of intravitreal injections has considerably increased, because anti-VEGF drugs had been made available to ophthalmologists, and several teams have performed a large number of procedures, allowing them to better comprehend intravitreous injections. The present paper describes our current practice of intravitreous injections. Several specialists have exchanged their experiences and issued a common synthesis. Detailed modifications of the initial recommendations have been suggested, with such basic changes such as abandoning preoperative pupil dilatation and easing postsurgical monitoring. Follow-up examinations should be adapted to each patient rather than being systematic. The suggested modifications do not change the procedure of intravitreous injections substantially, but they simplify many steps and detail the various procedures when consensus is lacking.
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