On-line two dimensional liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry for the analysis of triacylglycerides in peanut oil and mouse tissue.

Journal of Chromatography B(2012)

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Triacylglycerides (TAGs) are a large class of complex neutral lipids that naturally occur in both plants and animals. In the present work, an on-line comprehensive silver-ion liquid chromatography (silver-ion LC) × reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) system was constructed to analyze these compounds. A micro bore silver-ion modified column was employed in the first dimension with the commonly used hexane-based mobile phase. After a series of C18 columns were assessed, a wide bore column packed with 1.5 μm particles was selected as the second dimension column to reduce the negative effect caused by the large volume and strong solvent injection in the second dimension. The system coupled with mass spectrometry was applied to the analysis of an edible peanut oil and a mouse liver extract. Twenty-eight TAGs from the peanut oil and forty-four from the mouse liver were identified based on the TAGs' retention behaviors on the comprehensive two-dimensional LC system and their APCI MS fragments.
Comprehensive two dimensional liquid chromatography,Trigacylglyceride,Mouse liver,Silver-ion LC,APCI MS
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