Might cholesterol sulfate deficiency contribute to the development of autistic spectrum disorder?

Medical Hypotheses(2012)

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Autism is a condition characterized by impaired cognitive and social skills, often associated with compromised immune function. There has been considerable concern recently that the incidence of autism is alarmingly on the rise, especially in Western nations, and environmental factors are increasingly suspected to play a role. In this paper, we propose a novel hypothesis for a principle cause of autism, namely insufficient supply of cholesterol sulfate to the fetus during gestation and the infant postnatally. We hypothesize that main contributory factors are insufficient sun exposure and insufficient dietary sulfur, for both the mother and the affected child. A novel contribution is the theory that endothelial nitric oxide synthase produces not only nitric oxide but also sulfate, and that sulfate production is stimulated by sunlight. We further hypothesize that the sulfur shortage manifests as an impaired immune response, including an increased susceptibility to eczema and asthma. Proposed corrective measures involve increased dietary sulfur intake for both the mother and the child, and increased sun exposure.
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