Conjugated Linoleic Acid Is Synthesized Endogenously in Lactating Dairy Cows by Δ9-Desaturase


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Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring anticarcinogen found in milk fat and body fat of ruminants. Although CLA is an intermediate in ruminal biohydrogenation of linoleic acid, we hypothesized that its primary source was from endogenous synthesis. This would involve Delta(9)-desaturase and synthesis from trans-11 18:1, another intermediate in ruminal biohydrogenation. Our first experiment supplied lactating cows (n = 3) with trans-11 18:1 by abomasal infusion and examined the potential for endogenous synthesis by measuring changes in milk fat CIA. By d 3, infusion of trans-ii 18:1 resulted in a 31% increase in concentration of cis-g, trans-11 CLA in milk fat, demonstrating that an active pathway for endogenous synthesis of CLA exists. Our second experiment examined the quantitative importance of endogenous synthesis of CLA in lactating cows (n=3) by abomasally infusing a putative stimulator (retinol palmitate) or an inhibitor (sterculic oil) of Delta(9)-desaturase. Infusion of retinol palmitate had no influence on milk fatty acid desaturation, and yield of CLA in milk fat was not altered. However, sterculic oil infusion decreased the concentration of CLA in milk fat by 45%. Consistent with Delta(9)-desaturase inhibition, the sterculic oil treatment also altered the milk fat concentration of other Delta(9)-desaturase products as indicated by the two- to threefold increase in the ratios of 14:0 to 14:1 16:0 to 16:1 and 18:0 to c/s-18:1. Using changes in the ratio of 14:0 to 14:1 as an indication of the extent of Delta(9)-desaturase inhibition with the sterculic oil treatment, an estimated 64% of the CLA in milk fat was of endogenous origin. Overall, results demonstrate that endogenous synthesis of CLA from trans-ii 18:1 represented the primary source of CLA in milk fat of lactating cows.
conjugated linoleic acid,Delta(9)-desaturase,lactation,milk fat,ruminants
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