Detecting the impacts of notorious invaders: experiments versus observations in the invasion of eelgrass meadows by the green seaweed Codium fragile


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Biological invasions can vary in the extent of their effects on indigenous communities but predicting impacts for particular systems remains difficult. In coastal marine ecosystems, the green seaweed Codium fragile ssp. fragile is a notorious invader with its reputation based on studies conducted largely on rocky shores. The green seaweed has recently invaded soft-bottom eelgrass communities by attaching epiphytically to eelgrass ( Zostera marina ) rhizomes, thereby creating the potential for disruption of these coastal habitats through competition or disturbance. We investigated the effect of this invader on various aspects of eelgrass performance (shoot density and length, shoot growth, above- and below-ground biomass, carbohydrate storage) using both small-scale manipulative and large-scale observational experiments. Manipulative experiments that varied Codium abundance demonstrated clear negative effects over a 4-month period on shoot density and carbohydrate reserves, but only for high, but realistic, Codium biomass levels. Light levels were much lower under canopies for high and medium density Codium treatments relative to low and control Codium cover treatments, suggesting that shading may influence eelgrass growing under the algal cover. In contrast, these effects were either not detectable or very weak when examined correlatively with field surveys conducted at larger spatial scales, even for sites that had been invaded for over 4 years. It is premature to extend generalizations of Codium ’s impact derived from studies in other systems to eelgrass communities; further efforts are required to assess the long-term threats that the alga poses to this ecosystem. This study demonstrates the need to investigate impacts of invasions over multiple scales, especially those that incorporate the temporal and spatial heterogeneity of the invader’s abundance.
Scale of experiment,Invasive algae,Impacts,Eelgrass,Zostera marina,Codium fragile
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