Effects of CB1 antagonist on the control of metabolic functions in obese type 2 diabetic patients.

Diabetes & Metabolism(2008)

引用 54|浏览7
Clinical reports (RIO trials) have shown that chronic administration of a CB-cannabinoid receptor antagonist (rimonabant) provides improvements of disturbed metabolic parameters observed in overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes. The production of endocannabinoid and the expression of CB1-cannabinoid receptors are largely distributed in the different organs aside from the brain. It is now clearly established that endocannabinoids act both through orexigenic effects and peripheral metabolic effects in various tissues involved in the control of metabolism and energy expenditure (i.e. adipose tissue, liver, gastrointestinal tract, skeletal muscle and pancreas). This review will consider: i) the disturbances of glucose and lipid metabolisms in obese type 2 diabetics; ii) an overview of the pharmacological properties of rimonabant and iii) the various mechanisms involved in tissues and organs to explain the therapeutic efficacy of rimonabant. A special attention will be paid to its utilization in obese type 2 diabetics. The emerging concept of endocannabinoids acting as metabolic regulators is the more likely explanation of the success of rimonabant treatments in phase III studies.
Obesity,Type 2 diabetes,CB1-cannabinoid receptors,Rimonabant,Adipose tissue,Metabolism,Review
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