The conception of technology integration for globalized patient and Tele-healthcare

Information and Emerging Technologies(2010)

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The advancement in Tele-healthcare and communication technologies, in last decade, has given rise to remote healthcare services. Today, existing Tele-healthcare approaches either extending services in limited zones as Private Area Network (PAN) or offering the limited healthcare services in wider areas using Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) & remote facilitation centers. Existing healthcare services face resource limitations and are difficult to extend during some dire emergencies. This situation gets worsened due to poor management of resources (in emergency areas) and lack of medical records in case of a traveller or a displaced patient (i.e. w/o medical or patient history). This paper elaborates on a novel Tele-healthcare infrastructure concept that takes into consideration the efficient management of resources in the vicinity of the patient by auto-generating an emergency signals. Our proposed technique enforces to acquire smart procedures to arrange maximum available healthcare assistances to form an ad hoc medical team near by the deceased. In addition to this, a global scope of Tele-healthcare infrastructure is achieved by globalizing the patient's ID, which makes it highly scalable and efficient to initiate treatment immediately of an individual even during a large scale disaster with available primary healthcare information.
health care,medical computing,telemedicine,globalized patient,healthcare services,mobile medical units,patient id,private area network,remote facilitation centers,technology integration,telehealthcare infrastracture concept,tele-healthcare network,component,global patient,unified healthcare services,user identity module,wireless sensor network,history,mobile communication,wireless sensor networks
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