Large-Scale Estimation in Cyberphysical Systems Using Streaming Data: A Case Study With Arterial Traffic Estimation

Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions(2013)

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Controlling and analyzing cyberphysical and robotics systems is increasingly becoming a Big Data challenge. We study the case of predicting drivers' travel times in a large urban area from sparse GPS traces. We present a framework that can accommodate a wide variety of traffic distributions and spread all the computations on a cluster to achieve small latencies. Our framework is built on Discretized Streams, a recently proposed approach to stream processing at scale. We demonstrate the usefulness of Discretized Streams with a novel algorithm to estimate vehicular traffic in urban networks. Our online EM algorithm can estimate traffic on a very large city network (the San Francisco Bay Area) by processing tens of thousands of observations per second, with a latency of a few seconds.
Global Positioning System,data handling,expectation-maximisation algorithm,road traffic,state estimation,traffic information systems,San Francisco Bay Area,arterial traffic estimation,cyberphysical systems,discretized streams,driver travel time prediction,expectation-maximization algorithm,large urban area,large-scale estimation,online EM algorithm,robotic systems,sparse GPS traces,stream processing,streaming data,traffic distributions,urban networks,vehicular traffic estimation,very large city network,Arterial traffic,arterial traffic estimation,expectation-maximization,large-scale estimation,streaming,streaming spark,travel times
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