The application of mathematical modeling for commercial nuclear instrument design, development, and calibration

Frazier Bronson, R G C Mcelroy,S A Philips, W R Russ,Stephen Croft

Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications(2009)

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Mathematical modeling of nuclear instruments has evolved over the last 40 years. First came simple curve fitting operations; then Monte Carlo processes were made available to large research facilities; and then, due to the power of the computer, became widely available to normal radiation instrumentation users. Canberra has been extensively using MCNP for design and calibration of large and complicated instrumentation to create and optimize designs that would be prohibitively expensive with radioactive sources. For gamma spectroscopy applications we have developed a software application called ISOCS that combines MCNP pre-calculations and ray-tracing operations for speed. Examples of the use of these tools are presented.
monte carlo methods,calibration,gamma-ray spectroscopy,high energy physics instrumentation computing,radioactive sources,isocs,mcnp,monte carlo process,commercial nuclear instrument design,curve fitting operation,gamma spectroscopy,mathematical modeling,ray-tracing operation,gamma ray spectroscopy,modeling,neutron detectors,geometry,spectroscopy,neutrons,detectors,monte carlo,computational modeling,optimal design,ray tracing,curve fitting,mathematical model
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