Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles Performance Indexes for SCARA Type Robot


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Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles ???Performance Indexes for SCARA Type Robot??? by Wang Pin, Lu Zhen, Wang Lili, Feng Baofu, Li Dong in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications.(ISA) 2009 After careful and considered review of the content and authorship of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has been found to be in violation of IEEE???s Publication Principles. This paper is a duplication of the original text from the papers cited below. The original text was copied without attribution (including appropriate references to the original author(s) and/or paper title) and without permission. Due to the nature of this violation, reasonable effort should be made to remove all past references to this paper, and future references should be made to the following articles: "On the Performance Indexes for Robot Manipulators." by Tanio Tanev, Bogdan Stoyanov in Problems of Engineering, Cybernetics and Robotics, 49, 2000, pp. 64-71 ???Jacobian, Manipulability, Condition Number, and Accuracy of Parallel Robots??? by J.P. Merlet in the Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol 128, Issue 1, June 2005, pp. 199-206 The concepts of Jacobian matrix, dexterity, manipulability and condition number have been floating around since the early beginning of robotics. These performance indices play an important role especially for optimal robot design. In this paper, we revisit these concepts for SCARA type robot and exhibit some surprising results that show that these concepts have to be manipulated with care for a proper understanding of the kinematics behavior of a robot. All obtained results for the performance indexes are graphically visualized. The presented graphical examples for the performance of a manipulator can be easily interpreted and also they can help in application and design of manipulators.
jacobian matrices,manipulator kinematics,jacobian matrix,scara type robot,selective compliant assembly robot arm,optimal robot design,performance indices,robot kinematics,visualization
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