Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Supporting Group Work

2014 ACM Conference on Supporting Groupwork(2016)

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ACM GROUP 2014 is the 18th International Conference on Supporting Group Work. ACM Group features deep multidisciplinary engagement of scholars across communities including Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Organization Science, Small Group Research, Computational Social Science, Sociotechnical System Design, Educational Technology and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Group'14 continues the conference series' tradition of being truly international in both organizational structure and participation. This combination of diverse social and cultural research traditions and scholars from a wide range of disciplines undergirds the sustained discourse and continuing vibrancy of ACM Group. The Group'14 program includes work conducted using a range of research methods. Go to the sessions. Across the full program participants will discuss the latest findings within broad areas such as technology, society, and human interaction across a range of organizational contexts, including work practices, home, healthcare, and leisure. Group'14 especially encourages practitioners, industrial partners and academics to participate. This year, for the first time, the ACM Group program chairs introduce \"working papers\" as a discourse format. The aim is to build on the conferences core strength: At Conference Discourse Communities (ACDC's). Working papers are a formalization of ACDC's, focused on helping a set of participants develop journal papers through short presentations and active engagement with participants. Working paper authors will have a 10 minutes time slot to present their work and initiate conversation with attendees. Short talks to ignite deep discussion. We had 90 submissions and accepted 27 for a 30% acceptance rate. GROUP reviewing is conducted completely by the Program Committee members without external reviewers. In 2014 reviewing was conducted in two rounds. During the first round all committee members served exclusively as \"reviewers\". The goal of the first round was to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each paper and provided a structured review designed to help authors improve their papers. In the second round, one reviewer on each paper was assigned the \"Primary AC\" role and asked to lead an online discussion of the paper and write a Meta-Review based on the content of the reviews and the discussion. The goal of the discussion and Meta-Review is to generate a proposed accept/reject decision. The program co-chairs then considered all of the review scores and comments when making their final decisions. ACM Group is not an ordinary ACM Conference. We are small, and we are sustained by the unusual commitments of accomplished scholars. We theorize that this commitment emerges from the strengths outlined above. Many of our GROUP colleagues have generously contributed their time and effort to organize the conference, review papers, lead the Doctoral Colloquium, convene workshops, working papers, chair sessions, and be student volunteers. The conference would not be possible without their efforts. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
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