The PAX toolkit and its applications at Tevatron and LHC

Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions(2006)

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At the CHEP03 conference we launched the Physics Analysis eXpert (PAX), a C++ toolkit released for the use in advanced high energy physics (HEP) analyses. This toolkit allows to define a level of abstraction beyond detector reconstruction by providing a general, persistent container model for HEP events. Physics objects such as particles, vertices and collisions can easily be stored, accessed and manipulated. Bookkeeping of relations between these objects (like decay trees, vertex and collision separation, etc.) including deep copies is fully provided by the relation management. Event container and associated objects represent a uniform interface for algorithms and facilitate the parallel development and evaluation of different physics interpretations of individual events. So-called analysis factories, which actively identify and distinguish different physics processes and study systematic uncertainties, can easily be realized with the PAX toolkit. PAX is officially released to experiments at Tevatron and LHC. Being explored by a growing user community, it is applied in a number of complex physics analyses, two of which are presented here. We report the successful application in studies of t-tbar production at the Tevatron and Higgs searches in the channel t-tbar-Higgs at the LHC and give a short outlook on further developments.
high energy physics instrumentation computing,ion accelerators,proton accelerators,storage rings,synchrotrons,C++ toolkit,Higgs searches,LHC,PAX toolkit,Physics Analysis eXpert toolkit,Tevatron,advanced high energy physics analyses,analysis factories,collision separation,decay trees,persistent container model,t-antit production,vertex,C++ toolkit,event container model,particle physics analysis,reconstruction of complex events
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