An interactive computer graphics system for the computed tomographic breast scanner (CT/M)

W H Anderson, C H J Chang, M A Tarlton,Steven L Fritz,Samuel J Dwyer


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A prototype Computed Tomography Breast Scanner (CT/M) built by General Electric Medical Systems Divi sion was installed at the University of Kansas Medical Center in October 1976. Over 1,500 patients have now been examined by this CT/M Scanner. During this period of clinical evaluation it was determined that clinical effectiveness could be enhanced by correlating iodine concentration with CT number changes. The comparison of tissue localization of iodinated contrast material is achieved by performing two sets of similar CT/M scans, one pre-contrast study and one post-contrast study. The percent iodinated uptake, as reflected by comparing changes in CT/M numbers, was found to vary for breast lesions. An interactive graphics software system was designed and evaluated as a computer-aided system for detecting distinguishable changes in the present iodinated breast tissue uptake. Multiple CT/M images may be displayed simultaneously. Interactive CTIM image processing includes a Region of Interest selection. Image processing includes estimates of first and second order statistics from selected regions of interest in comparing pre and post contrast CT/M scans.
prototypes,software systems,computer graphic,biomedical imaging,region of interest,computer graphics,image processing,computed tomography,cancer
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