Hybrid opportunistic routing in highly dynamic MANET

Computer Communication and Networks(2014)

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In this paper, we propose a new routing protocol called hybrid opportunistic routing (HOR) which takes the advantage of broadcast nature of wireless medium and replication-based data forwarding. The data packets are transmitted by broadcast-based forwarding if the destination node is within two-hop distance from sender or by replication-based forwarding otherwise. By exploiting overhearing opportunity, nodes can build up knowledge about data packets. The adaptive nature of data forwarding and overhearing capability provide high data delivery with minimum buffer requirement in highly dynamic MANET. Simulation results prove that 1) proposed scheme increases data delivery by above 30% compared to traditional MANET routing and 2) it can achieve 98% data delivery with 17% of the total packets for buffer space compared to replication-based routing which requires 50% of the total packets for buffer space to maintain 89% of data delivery.
broadcast communication,mobile ad hoc networks,routing protocols,HOR,buffer space,data packet transmission,destination node,dynamic MANET,hybrid opportunistic routing,replication-based data forwarding,routing protocol,two-hop distance,wireless medium broadcast nature,broadcasting,epidemic routing,mobile ad hoc networks,opportunistic routing
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